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Caring For You
Tips to reduce risk of tooth decay:
- If you cannot brush, rinse mouth out with water after drinking pop.
- Drink water instead of pop.
- Avoid sipping pop throughout the day. Drink them in a short time with food or as part of a meal.
- Brush and floss regularly to remove plaque.
- Never drink pop or juice right before bed. The liquid pools in the mouth and coats the teeth.
- Drink pop in moderation.
Fluoride tips and quick facts:
- Community water fluoridation is the single most-effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay.
- Simply drinking water can be a benefit, due to fluoride’s cavity protection.
- The CDC proclaimed community water fluoridation as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th Century.
- If bottled water is the source of most water you drink you should get your fluoride from other sources, as most bottled waters do not contain optimal levels of fluoride.
Oral health tips for seniors:
- Be aware of any changes in your oral health (e.g. Sores that won’t heal or rough spot in the mouth) and talk to your dentist right away if you do notice something.
- Floss daily and brush 2x a day.
- Eat well-balanced meals and avoid sugary drinks and foods.
- Talk to your dentist about any medications you are taking and any changes to them.
- If you have a disability that prevents you from holding a toothbrush, talk to your dentist about ways to make home care easier.